Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bike to Protect!!!

Former Cove Guardian Mike XVX is doing a bicycle ride to fund his trip back to Japan to protect dolphins! Visit: to find out more info, order shirts and support him in his endeavors!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We need your calls ASAP!

This post is bitter sweet because it contains both good news and bad news.

First with the good news. We just received an email from Ayaka, the woman whom we spent a night with in our rental car during the tsunami. She is doing well and we are all very excited to hear from her! It was very comforting to have her company and her help those 2 days and it was heartbreaking to have to say goodbye. We left her on March 11th, but she did not get home from the refugee camp until March 13th. We hope to keep regular correspondence with her and we'll post more information later on.

Now the bad news. Even though it's off season in Taiji at the moment, Scott West just reported that there are as many as 50-75 Pilot Whales currently being held just outside the slaughtering cove. Pilot Whales are a protected species under the Marine Mammal Protection act, and this is not only inhumane and unnecessary, but also a violation of international law. Call your local Japanese embassy and demand that those Pilot Whales be set free!!

Until all are free,
Mike, Marley and Carisa