Thursday, August 11, 2011

Looking back at our first trip to Japan PART 4

Please support the Cetacean Defense League by clicking to donate!  Every dollar donated will allow us to stay in Taiji for 3 weeks in September.  Let's keep up the pressure at The Cove and show the fishermen we are not backing down.  There is plenty we don't know about the dolphin slaughter in Japan and we intend to do our best to expose this filthy business.

We are excited to be joined by fellow Canadian Aster Demone halfway through our stay in Taiji.  We look forward to working with such a dedicated activist and a talented photographer!

As Canadians we understand what it's like to have a small group of violent individuals bloody the reputation of our country.  We know the murderous monsters who are killing cetaceans in Taiji do not represent the Japanese people, just like the seal clubbing psychopaths of the east coast DO NOT represent the rest of Canada.  It's just a shame the the governments of both countries cater to such blood thirsty scumbags instead of listening to the public outcry and demand for marine mammal protection.

SHAME on Japan, and SHAME on Canada.

Cetacean Defense League

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